Contact Details

Stefan Petters
+43 664 143 8891

Weidlichgasse 12/6
1130 Vienna



2014-10-05, Publications

Ideally an INNOVATION subject to implementation is backed by some Intellectual Property Rights, such as Utility Samples, Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks, etc. Otherwise the documentation of confidential KNOW HOW, DESIGN, RECIPIES and METHODES must be made thoroughly tangible to enable LICENSING discussions with a lead customer and/or key supplier(s). An ideal start would be a contract manufacture under a LICENSING arrangement with an upstream or downstream strategic partner in the supply chain...

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Global Initiatives in Waste Gasification

2014-10-05, Publications

MSW residues usually incur in a combination of wet and combustible forms, requiring separate or sequential treatments by bio- and thermo- chemical processes, rather than incinerating under admixture of auxiliary fuel addition. Thermo-chemical decomposition of poor carbonaceous fuels into energy-rich producer gas has been demonstrated with biomass feedstock technically mature over more than 5 years now at 30 – 50GJ solid fuel consumption and is currently ramped up in Gothenburg [SE] at a 120GJ feedstock scale...

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Using anthropogenic Hydrocarbon stock to Capture nanoCarbon

2014-09-23, Publications

This paper summarizes our past achievements in thermo management material solutions’ development, recently venturing into Capture of atmospheric Carbon for Re-Use applications. Climate Change is closely related to the CO2 stock in atmosphere, nowadays at 550Gt. To stay within the +2°C scenario this atmospheric stock should never go beyond 800Gt. Therefore opportunities to Re-Use atmospheric Carbon stock in substitution of imported fossil Carbon from earlier ages should be explored. Hydrogen-Carbon Synthesis based materials can offer a great opportunity to achieve Carbon offsets > 100% of the feedstock’s Carbon content if transformation efficiencies are favorable. Therefore shifting from mined to Captured Carbon resources could offer one of the greatest economic opportunities to mitigate Climate Change...

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MSW-residue & Coal Co-Gasification in lieu of Incineration

2014-09-02, Publications

Direct biomass gasification and chemical municipal waste treatment appear to share scale of economy orders of magnitude. Actually this may relate to similar logistic implications. Also the mean calorific value and range of mix in quality of fuel fractions deem to provide synergies in use of similar technical solutions. Indeed there can be seen several initiatives across Europe and North America, where alternatives to incineration have been based on different gasification Technologies. Also at TU Vienna various fuel mixes had been investigated in Fast Internal Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasification, confirming potential synergies between biomass and MSW residues....

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2014-07-15, Publications

Annual global harvest in our decade amounts to circa 13Gt dry matter of biomass. In energy content this represents roughly 50% of world’s primary energy equivalent. Only 2% of energy consumption is covered by the conversion of primary biomass into secondary energy forms such as heat (75%), electric power (10%) or transportation fuels (15%)...

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Distributed Hydrogen from MSW derived Synthesis Gas

2014-06-05, Publications

Together with the scientific sector of New Energy Technologies in Austria we have developed a feasibility validated model of Carbon Recycling by leveraging Secondary Resource Efficiency of Organic Wastes. Results proved our proprietary “CARBON CAPTURE for USE [CCU] BIO-REFINERY TECHNOLOGY” to unlock financial self-sufficiency of Waste Management. By integrating several state of the art Technologies from other sectors into the CCU Bio-Refinery a Synthesis Gas Platform can be created, offering multiple downstream Chemical Synthesis Product opportunities. Amongst various Gas to Liquid fuels, organic acids or alcohols also pure Hydrogen or other Hydrogen Compounds could be generated. Such new industrial level plane fields can increase local purchase power through supply of energy from regional closed loop circular economy and mitigate long haul distribution transports. Looking at logistic constraints of MSW Management and distribution challenges in Hydrogen re-fueling infrastructures there may be synergies between the two areas. Since organic residues from MSW are already representing atmospheric Carbon Stock, any fuels derived from them as a secondary resource abates further fossil primary resource import from former ages into our era.

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2014-05-22, Publications

Innovation depends on actual implementation of economically appealing inventive ideas; otherwise the added value is never materialized and/or proven. Unfortunately perfectionism often cannibalizes learning curve working environments. A phenomena that becomes extremely wasteful when appearing as greedy impatience for results half the way through. So whether by hesitance, under usage or impatience, fear from Innovation actually causes prominently the waste of some of our most precious resources...

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Technologies to Move MSW Challenge in to People Planet Profit Opportunities

2014-03-05, Publications

Biorefinery is a holistic concept in liberating energy, power from biomass, is an integral of biomass conversion with high efficiency. Similar to the previous slide, Organic waste could be handled separately via two processes naely gasification and anaerobic digestion. However, the extend use of product gas is limited by the under use of CO2 and CH4...

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Anthropogenic Methane Utilization via co-production of Green Hydrogen and crystalline Carbon as intermediates for Bio-Refineries

2014-01-15, Publications

Global Anthropogenic Methane from agriculture-, foresting-, mining- as well as wastewater- and municipal solid household waste disposal (landfills) is number two Green House Gas [GHG] contributor after the energy sectori. But state of art usage paths usually lack financial self-sufficiency and are often not afforded. Only as already demonstrated in a Polygeneration’s parties of the available Hydrogen-/Carbon monoxide fractions from a producer gas off Steam Driven Indirect Fluidized Bed [SDIFB] Gasification, chemical synthesis output could unlock higher level planes in the value adding pyramidii. Unlike CHP only, you wouldn’t loose it if you don’t use it.

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